Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Centre

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The force that seeks to control this world and introduce its global fascist state, the network I call the Illuminati, is nothing if not predictable. The unbelievable horror perpetrated on the cities of New York and Washington is a problem-reaction-solution sting on the collective mind of all humanity and I have been expecting an event of this magnitude for some years. I thought it could be a war or a nuclear "terrorist" device, but something fantastic was always going to happen during the years of the Bush presidency when, as I wrote on inauguration day, the agenda would be pressed forward with a gathering pace. Fast as the world was being moved toward global centralised fascism, it was still not fast enough to match the timescale demanded by the Illuminati agenda. And the opposition to their globalisation plans and their assaults on freedom, was gathering by the day. It was clear that something of enormous magnitude was being orchestrated that would so devastate the collective human mind with fear, horror, and insecurity, that "solutions" could be offered that would advance the agenda in a colossal leap almost overnight. This is what we saw in America on the ritually-significant eleventh day of the ninth month - 911 is the number for emergencies in the United States. Ritual and esoteric codes are at the heart of everything the Illuminati undertakes.

Author: David Icke
Publisher: Bridge of Love
Topic: Mysteries
Collection: Books