Color Magic for Beginners

Price: $21.99

From our clothes to the colour of our bedroom walls, we are surrounded by colours that influence our mood, energy level, creativity, and overall well being. Richard Webster offers an astonishing number of ways to use stimulating reds, soothing blues, and every other colour of the rainbow to our advantage. Webster begins with an overall picture of each colour's major aspects - its psychological influence, healing qualities, emotional impact, and magical characteristics. From there, readers learn a multitude of colour-based techniques involving astrology, the aura, candle magic, chakras, colour rituals, crystals and gemstones, feng shui, flower magic, mandalas, meditation, numerology, and visualization. Webster demonstrates how colour can be used to attract good luck, heal illness, reduce stress, create harmony in the home, overcome depression, solve problems, and magically enhance one's life in a variety of ways.

Author: Richard Webster
Publisher: Llewellyn
Topic: Wicca
Collection: Books