Yarrow Flower - Whole

Price: $1.00

Yarrow is associated with Aphrodite, Hermes, the Horned God & Achilles. It is ruled by Venus and the element water and is associated with the seventh chakra. The stalks are traditionally used for casting the I Ching and the flowers can be added to dream pillows to encourage prophetic dreams. Rubbing your eyelids with yarrow is said to enhance psychic abilities. It can be used in incense or oil to cleanse the aura, and for divination. Yarrow tea can also be drunk prior to divination, and to help the mind focus on a specific issue, or avoid distractions. Especially useful for psychic communication with a loved one and, when in times of strife, can help you and your loved one see things from each others' point of view.

Hanging a bunch of yarrow over the bed on the wedding night is supposed to ensure lasting love. Adding it to the flowers worn by the bride or groom serves the same affect. It is used also as a charm for pregnant woman; keep it on the right side to have an easy labor. Yarrow strewn across a threshold will prevent unhelpful spirits from entering.

*Packaged in a 3"x 3" ziploc bag.

Collection: Herbs