Tiger Eye & Rutillated Quartz Bracelet - Elephant Charm

Price: $14.95

It is fun to gaze into Rutilated Quartz – clear quartz riddled with needle-like pieces of golden Rutile, a material made of titanium dioxide that are also known as "The Hairs of Venus". Rutilated Quartz can clear energy blockages from all of the chakras, and attune one to their Divine Purpose. Rutilated Quartz puts off an exceptionally high level of energy, and is said to bring physical and mental balance and stability. Rutilated Quartz also enhances self-reliance and helps with decision-making. Use Rutilated Quartz as a link between the Root and Crown Chakras, or to get to the “root” of a problem.

Visualization is very important when programming this stone for any purpose. Specifically, the golden or silver color of Rutilated Quartz works very well with manifestation programs. The holder must imagine themselves within the crystal to program it, vividly imagining the energies of the program moving along the individual Rutile Crystals within the Quartz. Once this is accomplished, this Crystal will powerfully amplify the program, and continue to send it out into the universe. Rutilated Quartz can also be used for helping to discern the positive or negative vibes or motives of a person, place, or thing.

Rutilated Quartz is an uplifting stone, infusing joy into one's life and surrounding environment. Rutilated Quartz is often used during meditation, for connecting to the Divine. Working with Rutilated Quartz can help one to connect to higher realms and spirit guides, due to the inclusions of Rutile in the Quartz, which acts as a kind of psychic antenna. Rutilated Quartz is also said to help bring one into an expanded state of consciousness. People who are working to enhance their psychic abilities are aided by Rutilated Quartz, as well as those who desire greater concentration and clarity.

Physically, Rutilated Quartz can be used to speed healing of injuries and slow down aging. Amputees can use Rutilated Quartz to help ease the phenomena known as phantom pain.

Tiger eye is a form of chalcedony quartz with bands of fibrous crocodolite (asbestos).

Tiger eye exhibits a changeable silky lustre as light is reflected within the thin parallel bands in the structure of the material. Colours are generally yellow to red or brown, blue and grey.

Tiger Eye combines earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounded while bringing the spiritual energies to you. If placed on the third eye it will enhance your psychic abilities. Tiger eye balances the lower chakras and stimulates the rise of kundalini energy.

Tiger Eye is a protective stone that traditionally was carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses. It brings out integrity and shows to how to correctly use the power given to you.

Tiger Eye assists in accomplishing goals, recognising inner resources and urging clarity of intention. If placed on the naval, tiger eye will help people who have difficulty making a commitment to people, a job, a journey etc. Tiger Eye is good for anchoring the physical body.

Tiger Eye links the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It will help you analyse isolated pieces of information and collate them together into a whole. Tiger Eye will help you problem solve and overcome internal conflict.

Tiger Eye is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from mental illness and personality disorders. Tiger eye is an excellent stone to take with you for exams and important meetings.

Tiger Eye will increase feelings of self-worth, overcome the habit of self-criticism and clear blocked creativity. It will help you discover your innate abilities and talent. It will also highlight any faults that you may have and guide you in overcoming them.

Tiger Eye is helpful to overcome addictive behaviour.

Tiger balances Yin and Yang and energizes the emotions. It eases depression and lifts the moods to normal levels.

Tiger Eye treats the eyes and helps night vision, heals the throat and reproductive organs, it dissolves constrictions and is helpful in repairing broken bones.

Publisher: Kreate
Topic: Jewellery
Collection: Gemstone Bracelets