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Name Unit price Quantity Total price

Masters Mystics Saints and Gemstone Guardians Cards

$19.95 each $19.95

Wonderland Tarot Deck (Tin)

$27.95 each $27.95

Essential Oils for Beginners

Free each Free

Goddess Power Oracle Cards

$29.99 each $29.99

Karma Cards

$19.95 each $19.95

Fairy Lenormand Oracle Cards

$27.95 each $27.95

Beginner's Guide to Tarot Set

$34.99 each $34.99

Cauldron - Cast Iron with Pentacle (Small)

$19.95 each $19.95

Feng Shui Charm - Peaceful Life

$7.95 each $7.95

Selenite Iceberg - Small

$9.95 each $9.95

Ethereal Visions Tarot Deck

$32.95 each $32.95

Divine Circus Oracle Cards

$35.95 each $35.95

Dragon Tarot Deck Set

$26.95 each $26.95

Tarot of the Angels Deck

$32.95 each $32.95

Green Witch Tarot Set

$44.99 each $44.99

Llewellyn's Classic Tarot Mini Deck

$16.99 each $16.99

Language of Flowers Cards

$17.95 each $17.95

Lightworker Oracle Cards

$35.95 each $35.95

Spirit of the Animals Oracle Cards

$33.50 each $33.50

Secret Language of Light Oracle Cards

$35.95 each $35.95

Shadowscapes Tarot Set

$41.99 each $41.99

Linestrider Tarot Set

$34.95 each $34.95

Nickel Pentacle Pendulum

$12.95 each $12.95

Cosmic Reading Cards

$30.95 each $30.95

Earth Warriors Oracle Cards

$35.95 each $35.95

Silver Witchcraft Tarot Set

$44.95 each $44.95

Book of Shadows Tarot Set

$54.95 each $54.95

Tarot Kit for Beginners

$28.95 each $28.95
Subtotal $798.40
HST $103.79
Total $902.19